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"请查收附件,手术器械申请的名称有问题。虽然是用于消化科和泌尿外科的" 的 英语 翻译




Please find the attachment. There is a problem with the name of the application for surgical instruments. Although it is used in digestive and urological surgery, we need to write "basic surgical instruments, cardiothoracic surgical instruments" in our application system.


'目前收到同事反应,收到不明源头的发件人发送的邮件。声称是掌握了关键密码,要求你支付美元或比请查收附件,手术器械申请的名称有问题。虽然是用于消化科和泌尿外科的手术器械,但是在我们公司申请系统中需要写成“基础手术器械,心胸外科手术器械' 的 英语 翻译为: At present, I have received a response from my colleagues and an email from an unknown sender. Claim that you have the key password, ask you to pay US dollars or check the attachment, the name of the application for surgical instruments is questionable. Although it is used in digestive and urological surgery, we need to write "basic surgical instruments, cardiothoracic surgical instruments" in our application system.。
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