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"七. 其他 1. 本协议自三方法定代表人或其合法授权代表签署并加盖" 的 英语 翻译


七. 其他
1. 本协议自三方法定代表人或其合法授权代表签署并加盖各自公章或合同专用章之日起生效。
2. 本协议未尽事宜,由三方另行友好协商确定。
3. 本协议一式三份,三方各执一份,具有同等法律约束力。


VII. Others
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date when the three legal representatives or their lawful authorized representatives sign and affix their respective official seals or special seals for the contract.
2. The matters not covered in this Agreement shall be determined through friendly negotiation between the three parties.
3. This Agreement shall be in triplicate and each party shall hold one copy, which shall be equally legally binding.


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